Accepts messages from external sources. Associated with a core. Sends incoming events to the core’s streams, queries the core’s index for states.
(gen-tcp-handler core stats channel-group handler)
Wraps Netty boilerplate for common TCP server handlers. Given a reference to a core, a stats package, a channel group, and a handler fn, returns a ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter which calls (handler core stats channel-handler-context message) for each received message.
Automatically handles channel closure, and handles exceptions thrown by the handler by logging an error and closing the channel.
(initializer core stats channel-group ssl-context)
A channel pipeline initializer for a TCP server.
(ssl-handler context)
Given an SSLContext, creates a new SSLEngine and a corresponding Netty SslHandler wrapping it.
(tcp-handler core stats ctx message)
Given a core, a channel, and a message, applies the message to core and writes a response back on this channel.
(tcp-server opts)
Create a new TCP server. Doesn’t start until (service/start!).
- :host The host to listen on (default
- :port The port to listen on. (default 5554 with TLS, or 5555 std)
- :core An atom used to track the active core for this server.
- :so-backlog The maximum queue length for incoming tcp connections (default 50).
- :channel-group A global channel group used to track all connections.
- :initializer A ChannelInitializer for creating new pipelines.
TLS options:
- :tls? Whether to enable TLS
- :key A PKCS8-encoded private key file
- :cert The corresponding public certificate
- :ca-cert The certificate of the CA which signed this key