
Forwards events to InfluxDB. Supports InfluxDB 0.9 or higher.


(convert-time time-event precision)

Converts the time-event parameter (which is time second) in a new time unit specified by the precision parameter. It also converts the time to long.

The precision parameter is a keyword whose possible values are :seconds, :milliseconds and :microseconds.

Returns time in seconds by default.


(converts-double n)

if n if a ratio or a BigInt, converts it to double. Returns n otherwise.


Default influxdb options


(event->point event opts)

Converts a Riemann event into an InfluxDB Point (an instance of org.influxdb.dto.Point.

The first parameter is the event:

  • The :precision event key is used to converts the event time into the correct time unit (default seconds).
  • The :measurement event key is the influxdb measurement.
  • The :influxdb-tags event key contains all the Influxdb tags.
  • The :influxdb-fields event key contains all the Influxdb fields.

The second parameter is the option map passed to the influxdb stream.


(event->point-9 event opts)

Converts a Riemann event into an InfluxDB Point (an instance of org.influxdb.dto.Point.

  • The first parameter is the event. The :precision key of the event is used to converts the event time into the correct time unit (default seconds).
  • The second parameter is the option map passed to the InfluxDB stream.


(event-fields tag-fields event)

Generates a map of InfluxDB fields from a Riemann event.

The event’s metric is converted to the value field, and any additional event fields which are not standard Riemann properties or in tag-fields will also be present.


(event-tags tag-fields event)

Generates a map of InfluxDB tags from a Riemann event.

Any fields in the event which are named in tag-fields will be converted to a string key/value entry in the tag map.


(get-batchpoint {:keys [tags db retention consistency]})

Returns a org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints instance.


(get-batchpoints opts events)

Create a org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints for each element in the events list. events is a list where each element is a list of events.

Each element contains events with the same :db, :retention and :consistency keys.

These options are used to create the BatchPoints. opts are the global influxdb stream options.


(get-builder {:keys [timeout insecure]})

Returns a new okhttp3.OkHttpClient$Builder.


(get-client {:keys [scheme host port username password], :as opts})

Returns an org.influxdb.InfluxDB instance.



Get an instance of javax.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier.


(get-ssl-factory trust-manager)

Get an instance of javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.


(get-time-unit precision)

Returns a value from the TimeUnit enum depending of the precision parameters.

The precision parameter is a keyword whose possible values are :seconds, :milliseconds and :microseconds.

Returns TimeUnit/SECONDS by default.



Returns an instance of X509TrustManager Used for trust all certs in the InfluxDB insecure mode.


(influxdb opts)

Returns a function which accepts an event, or sequence of events, and writes them to InfluxDB as a batch of measurement points. For performance, you should wrap this stream with batch or an asynchronous queue.

Support InfluxDB 0.9 to InfluxDB 1.7.

(influxdb {:host "influxdb.example.com"
           :db "my_db"
           :username "riemann"
           :password "secret"})

General Options:

  • :db Name of the database to write to. (default: "riemann")
  • :version Version of InfluxDB client to use. (default: ":deprecated")
  • :scheme URL scheme for endpoint. (default: "http")
  • :host Hostname to write points to. (default: "localhost")
  • :port API port number. (default: 8086)
  • :username Database user to authenticate as. (default: "root")
  • :password Password to authenticate with. (optional)
  • :tags A common map of tags to apply to all points. (optional)
  • :retention Name of retention policy to use. (optional)
  • :timeout HTTP timeout in milliseconds. (default: 5000)
  • :consistency The InfluxDB consistency level (default: "ONE"). Possibles values are ALL, ANY, ONE, QUORUM.
  • :insecure If scheme is https and certficate is self-signed. (optional)
  • :precision The time precision. Possibles values are :seconds, :milliseconds and :microseconds (default :seconds). The event time will be converted.

See influxdb-deprecated and influxdb-new-stream for version-specific options.


(influxdb-deprecated opts)

Returns a function which accepts an event, or sequence of events, and writes them to InfluxDB.

InfluxDB-deprecated specifics options:

  • :tag-fields A set of event fields to map into InfluxDB series tags. (default: #{:host}).

Each event can have these keys:

  • :tag-fields A set of event fields to map into InfluxDB series tags.
  • :precision The time precision. Possibles values are :seconds, :milliseconds and :microseconds (default :seconds). The event time will be converted.


(influxdb-new-stream opts)

Returns a function which accepts an event, or sequence of events, and writes them to InfluxDB.

Streams receive an event or a list of events. Each event can have these keys:

  • :measurement The InfluxDB measurement.
  • :influxdb-tags A map of InfluxDB tags. Example: {:foo "bar"}
  • :influxdb-fields A map of InfluxDB fields. Example: {:bar "baz"}
  • :precision The time precision. Possibles values are :seconds, :milliseconds and :microseconds (default :seconds). The event time will be converted.
  • :db Name of the database to write to (optional).
  • :retention Name of retention policy to use (optional).
  • :consistency The InfluxDB consistency level (default: "ONE"). Possibles values are ALL, ANY, ONE, QUORUM.


(nil-or-empty-str s)


(partition-events events)

events is a list of events.

Partition events depending of the db, retention and consistency keys returns a list, each element being a list of events (the result of the partitioning).


A set of event fields in Riemann with special handling logic.


(write-batch-point connection batch-point)

Write to InfluxDB the batch-point using the connection.