Exposes subscriptions to the index as server sent event channels
(sse-handler core stats headers)
Queries the index for events and streams them to the client, also initiates a pubsub subscription to the index topic with that query.
(sse-out {:keys [out], :as stats} ch pred)
Yield a function that given an incoming event will test for a given predicate and when it matches will format it for sending it over a SSE channel.
(sse-server {:keys [host port headers], :or {host "", port 5558, headers {}}})
Creates a new SSE server for a core.
- :host The address to listen on (default
- :port The port to listen on (default 5558)
- :headers Additional headers to send with the reply. By default Content-Type is set to text/event-stream and Cache-Control to no-cache. If you do not expose your client web application behind the same host, you will probably need to add an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header here