(configure-from-file context config-file)
Configure logging from a configuration file
(init opts)
Initialize logging. You will probably call this from the config file. You can call init more than once; its changes are destructive. Options:
- :console? Determine if logging should happen on the console.
- :console-layout Specifying console layout.
- :file The file to log to. If omitted, log to console only.
- :file-layout Specifying file layout.
- :files A list of files to log to. If provided, a seq or vector is expected containing maps with a :file and an :file-layout
- :logsize-rotate If size (in bytes) is specified use size based rotation otherwise use default time based rotation.
- :rotate-count Specifying the number of rotated files to keep. If omitted, keep last 10 rotated files.
Layout can be :riemann or :json. If layout is omitted, the default layout :riemann will be used.
For example:
; Basic console logging
; Also log to a file
(init {:file "/var/log/riemann.log"})
; With rotation
(init {:console? false :file "/var/log/riemann.log" :rotate-count 10})
; Rotate at a certain size
(init {:console? false
:file "/var/log/riemann.log"
:logsize-rotate 1000000000})
; Multiple files in different formats
(init {:console? false
:files [{:file "/var/log/riemann.log"},
{:file "/var/log/riemann.json.log" :file-layout :json}]
:logsize-rotate 100
:rotate-count 5})
(nice-syntax-error e)
(nice-syntax-error e file)
Rewrites clojure.lang.LispReader$ReaderException to have error messages that might actually help someone.
(set-level level)
(set-level logger level)
Set the level for the given logger, by string name.
(set-level Level/INFO) or (set-level “riemann.client”, Level/DEBUG)