Forwards events to Mailgun
(mailgun opts)
(mailgun mgun-opts msg-opts)
Returns a mailer, which is a function invoked with an address or a sequence of addresses and returns a stream. That stream is a function which takes a single event, or a sequence of events, and sends email about them.
(def mailer (mailgun))
(def email (mailer "xerxes@trioptimum.org" "shodan@trioptimum.org"))
This mailer sends email out via mailgun using the mailgun http api. When used it outputs the http response recieved from mailgun.
(changed :state
#(info "mailgun response" (email %)))
The first argument is a map of the mailgun options :sandbox and :service-key. The second argument is a map of default message options, like :from, :subject, or :body.
(def email (mailgun {:sandbox "mail.relay" :service-key "key"}
{:from "riemann@trioptimum.com"}))
If you provide a single map, the mailer will split the mailgun options out for you.
(def email (mailgun {:sandbox "mail.relay"
:service-key "foo"
:from "riemann@trioptimum.com"}))
By default, riemann uses (subject events) and (body events) to format emails. You can set your own subject or body formatter functions by including :subject or :body in msg-opts. These formatting functions take a sequence of events and return a string.
(def email (mailgun {} {:body (fn [events]
(apply prn-str events))}))
This api uses text body by default. If you want to use HTML body, you can set a body formatter function returns a map of fields :type and :content.
(def email (mailgun {} {:body (fn [events]
{:type :html
:content "<h1>HTML Body</h1>"})}))
(mailgun-event mgun-opts msg-opts events)
Send an event, or a sequence of events, with the given smtp and msg options.