
Forwards events to Twilio


(add-key-body opts-key body-key msg-opts result)

Add the opts-key value from msg-opts (if exists) into the body-key in result. Returns result.


(get-form-params msg-opts)

construct the form-params request parameter from msg-opts


(twilio)(twilio opts)(twilio twilio-opts msg-opts)

Returns a messenger, which is a function invoked with a phone number or a sequence of phone numbers and returns a stream. That stream is a function which takes a single event, or a sequence of events, and sends a message about them.

(def messenger (twilio))
(def text (messenger "+15005550006" "+15005550006"))

This messenger sends sms out via twilio using the twilio http api. When used it outputs the http response recieved from twilio.

(changed :state
  #(info "twilio response" (text %)))

The first argument is a map of the twilio options :account and :key. The second argument is a map of default message option.

(def text (twilio {:account "id" :service-key "key"}
                  {:from "+15005550006"}))

Message options can be :

  • :from A twilio phone number
  • :messaging-service-sid The 34 character unique id of the Messaging Service you want to associate with this Message
  • :media-url The URL of the media you wish to send out with the message.
  • :status-callback A URL that Twilio will POST to each time your message status changes to one of the following: queued, failed, sent, delivered, or undelivered
  • :application-sid Twilio will POST MessageSid as well as MessageStatus=sent or MessageStatus=failed to the URL in the MessageStatusCallback property of this Application
  • :max-price The total maximum price up to the fourth decimal (0.0001) in US dollars acceptable for the message to be delivered
  • :provide-feedback Set this value to true if you are sending messages that have a trackable user action and you intend to confirm delivery of the message using the Message Feedback API

Full API documentation can be found here : https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/rest/sending-messages

If you provide a single map, the messenger will split the twilio options out for you.

(def text (twilio {:account "id"
                   :service-key "key"
                   :from "+15005550006"}))

By default, riemann uses (body events) to format messages. You can set your own body formatter functions by including :body in msg-opts. These formatting functions take a sequence of events and return a string.

(def text (twilio {} {:body (fn [events]
                               (apply prn-str events))}))


(twilio-message twilio-opts msg-opts events)

Send a message via Twilio